mandag 9. april 2012

Successfully growing herbs is not limited to an outdoor garden or veggie patch. The beauty of growing herbs is that they can be grown almost anywhere, including indoors in pots or containers. They can be grown on your window sill, in window boxes (indoor or outdoor) or in hanging baskets in your patio.

Growing herbs in pots or containers is no more difficult than growing herbs in an outdoor area or garden. Indoor herb gardens however do need similar growing conditions as herbs that are grown in the garden. Sunlight, soil and water are the three main ingredients that all plants need to grow successfully. Whether plants are grown indoors or in a garden, herbs are no exception. Sunlight is vital to growing any type of plant including herbs. Herbs grown in a kitchen or any other room in your home should be placed in a position where they will receive the best kind of sunlight.

Read more at Herb Garden Passion

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